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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Aqeer beach tourism AlAhsa - Saudi Arabia..

Beach Aqeer or Ajeer Ahsa, which dates back named to the tribe, Jeer, which reside in Al-Ahsa BC and played Port Aqeer role historically important in linking the two regions Kharazai and Eastern commercially hand, and the east of the kingdom to the outside world represented in the countries of Asia and the Gulf Arab trade and social and cultural on the other hand, has sought Municipality of Al-Ahsa for the development of the beach to create the infrastructure to him and construction of public utilities to serve the citizens considering that the area of Aqeer after tourist and a long history, has become so Aqeer Ahsa Beach waterfront and the first distinguished at the level of the East.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pygmies in China...

Feet tall, which range from falling short of 79 centimeters and 1.3 meters, and consider this as a theme park heaven, where they live without being disrupted daily life. And wearing the emperor of the city, less than a length of a meter, standing on the platform central facilities like a mushroom, uniform yellow color on the style worn by Chinese emperors, but it differs from these emperors adopting a method of modern through his dark glasses and longer hair, as consisting "entourage" of witches and combatants, cooks, as well as monks, all engaged in the song is beautiful and quiet.

Japal yemen mounting...

The sun before that rises to proceed from here dreamy Taiz after We have prepared promised .. and eagerness increase the closer to Mount patience long miss the beauty and roam between green fields and colorful flowers and started climbing the first bend of the mountain depositors city complement dreams and sleep all chill HE . Shortly after we arrived at the Park, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan, a massive building and overlooking the whole city, Zlina watching the movements of people and the faces of innocent the son countryside them on the pavement sell khat, fruits, and some going to work in the fields and terraces, green and others came down to the city, and so confused about the ban countryside in the beautiful scenery we spent in fun and recreation. We go to the top corners in the asphalt and evolving our right and our left stands Kzera stunning scenery and colorful houses surrounding a traditional, hard-working people and activity in these oases of green, like a piece of art painted by one of the creative artists. Of villages scattered on the mountain a special taste, most of them still retain their customs and traditions of the old and people were still retain simplicity and celebrate the visitor feel that you are talking with anyone Vtsafg smiles before hands no one to visit the patience only and is captive in love with the area covered with hazardous gradient colors from pale to deep Alakzer Kelzimrd give you a sense of beauty in the spirit of this silk green plants that emerge from between the stones and fruit trees next to all homes. We stood in the middle of the road leading to the top of the mountain in the area (The Marine) overlooking the wide and full Taiz and watch from here to the stands Kzera below resides in this place a lot of tourists are watching the movement of the city Taatllo like the glitter of water in the bottom of a well.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Alaska marvel at the Earth

Alaska (Alaska) is one of the mandates of the Pacific Region, which includes Alaska, in addition to the four states is the state of Washington and the state of Oregon, and California, and Hawaii. Alaska is the largest state in the United States of America and the rest of the equivalent area of five states, and more than twice the size of Texas a little. But it is offset by the large population of relatively small compared to other states in the population census of 1990, Alaska ranked 49 in terms of population in the United States Purchased by the United States from Czarist Russia Year (1284 -1 867 m) and two hundred seven million dollars has been formally adopted as a state in the January 3, 1959, where he was ranked 48 in the number of States at the time, it is often called Alolaskjon the rest of the Lower 48 States Bal. Believed that the word carved out of Alaska Oliaska word Alyeska, meaning greater land or Mother Earth in the language of the people Aloleut Eskimo. Site Located in the far north-west of the North American continent, bordered by Canada to the east, the Pacific and Arctic Oceans from the rest of the actors, and overlooking the Bering Strait, on the Soviet border for 80 miles, this distance is to present the Bering Strait. Climate Located Alaska inside offers the cold, so the winters are long dark low temperature freezing point much higher, and summer short-shine when the sun for more than three months, and the rain a little, and falls in summer, and natural vegetation varies from forest deciduous in the south to algae in the north Population The population in the year (1400 -1980 AD), 400.481 inhabitants, who are Europeans, and Indian Americans did, and African American, and the Pacific Islands, and the population is concentrated on the southern coast of East and South Central, and in the River Tanana where the town of Fairbanks . Human activity Began hunting fur animals, and then turn to gold mining, and diversity became agricultural, and active metallurgical, and went to the fishing and agricultural products is characterized by crops, quick maturing, including oats, Helm, and hay, and potatoes, along with livestock, and mineral resources represent in the oil and gas, gold and minerals

Alkoukah...Cinderella of Yemen...

Nectarine very blessed virgin beauty including lavished upon the jewels and silks retain its youth and its ability to virgin seduction person who gave her the bracelet had failed to gain their wrist .. The sea was the first lover housing Nectarine then arrived Xqon, plate longing drawn on a napkin and the sea of people singing the love .. Her words are calm and melodies Tranimha the hearts of people and lovers .. Khokha .. The city that tempts you to leave as colleague, Abdullah Doblh .. City Nectarine story color the sea gulls and dancing «Abu Scissors» and swans and boats sailing the ancient tales .. Nerve endings on the Bombay and Khor Abbas, Dubai, Basra and other .. City where time stood agape .. Collected between water and greenery and the good side .. And when you stand beach Abu Zahr Jamil did not have the time only be Sindaba!!.Known as the sixth century AH Nectarine an ancient maritime trading port, it supports the import and export of goods to and from Yemen .. Boat «Snabaiq and Soai» Nectarine sons roamed the ports of East Africa and the Gulf and India .. When the beautiful beach Abu Zahr your hands and drink the same room as the place to find back the wave of free water sweet, delicious to the drinkers infested with palm trees and blood .. And cultivated sesame, cotton, vegetables and newly «mango» in their homes and planting trees, pomegranates, figs, although it is an area hot.The Directorate of Nectarine tourist city of the first class where there are five hotels and tourist villages such as «villages Mocha tourism - tourist village Bakhawkp« Jamaan »Village Jasmine - Park Sindbad Tourist - Park, PDF and other tourist sites, and has a Nectarine beaches in very good and beauty suitable for tourism and leisure and recreation, and has a group of islands views are for investment in tourism and the shores of the city of Nectarine coated sand smooth white shapes crescent surrounded by sand dunes, white and rose through the hills, mid-rise adjacent to the hills and punctuated by the mouths of valleys Wiczidha beauty and magnificence, is truly the most beautiful beaches of Yemen, Tzllaha forest and palm trees Doom, and enough waves to recede from its coast a few feet, Vthfr your hands in the sand to a depth of inches to get fresh water .. The beach Abu Zahr of the most important and beautiful beaches .. Sought the General Authority for Tourism Development to develop a plan for the development of areas and tourist sites and an outline of each region and the development site to be investment projects in tourism pioneer and the Nectarine with a chance of that where the project selection Hindi «Nectarine» where is located to the south of the vase and starts from the strong, the top spot north Hindi and even beach south length of 15 km of waterfront and features a soft, white sand shaded by palm trees and is a great place for a rest stop and tourist facilities and hotels, diving centers and serve as a springboard to advanced Archipelago Zuqar and Hanish.The complex project Abu Zahr tourism, which is located north of the city as a distinct Nectarine is located on the shore of Abu Zuhair, who carpeted in soft white sand and shaded forest of palm trees and the dome is a wonderful tourist resort for the establishment of an integrated tourist complex.Parameters and the effects of destroying!!Has Nectarine historical landmarks tall including a mosque Imam Hussein bin Salama Bmocj - Mosque Abdullah Dreb Bmocj - Castle Qishlah and Castle Cairo and customs old - House Alqamous and Alglesi and Bhedr and Abrisi and other Kgama great city and mosque of Abu-Zahr and other historic sites that have been demolished, vandalism and touched by the hands of absurdity and indifference Kmjama Hussein bin Salama called «mosque dome» and respect Cairo, Al Qishleh out of which only some parts were demolished and the other .. City «Aloocj» called «Mocj» currently poet I'm kidding Ahumaini poet and the first astronauts .. And do not forget mosque «Alboukttiar» first mosque Bakhawkp .. City Nectarine with special heritage and poets popular first veterans who did not translate them and continue to dwell in the popular memory «Zaid» and «Fattah» and Omdoblh »Amira and others, and there is an area poetic Balqtaba with palms wide and coast beautiful and was being held by the festivals of popular poetry, past and there are festivals Balshary son of Mahmoud and the end of season dates and it will be a sports carnival and a youth, technical and other Balehimp but stopped the seasonal festivals of the change and the death of the first people who adopt these festivals and the role of the Ministry of Culture until now! The foundations of a group of young educated literary cultural tourism forum, headed by Abu Hussein My dear sir loyal poet, creator of the land and the city that raised great human good Glesi .. The brother has been appointed director of the conservative culture Bakhawkp but for the moment still the decision of appointment did not come to light from the Secretariat of the conservative guidance has not been implemented despite the nomination of the president of the local council for that .. And women remain steadfast poet suffering and expression «Aldaudip» distributed to the dignitaries of the city of her poems alike Kalshyuh residents and dignitaries, expatriates and visitors, Vchaaraa informed way to express the suffering of the Nectarine!!

الخوخة في غاية الجمال عذراء تنعم بما أغدقوه عليها من حلي وحرائر محتفظة بشبابها البكر وقدرتها على الإغواء فالذي أهداها السوار لم يظفر منها بالمعصم.. البحر كان أول عاشق سكن الخوخة ثم وصل إليها العاشقون، لوحة شوق رسمها الناس على منديل البحر فيها غنائية حب.. كلماتها الهدوء وألحانها الناس وترانيمها قلوب العاشقين.. والخوخة.. المدينة التي تغريك بالرحيل كما قال الزميل عبدالله دوبله.. مدينة الخوخة حكاية بلون البحر ورقص النوارس «وابو مقص» وطيور البجع وحكايا المراكب الشراعية القديمة.. تحدثك عن عصب وبومباي وخور عباس ودبي والبصرة وغيرها.. مدينة يقف الزمن مندهشا فيها.. جمعت بين الماء والخضرة والوجه الحسن.. وعندما تقف بشاطئ أبو زهر الجميل فلا تملك حينها إلا أن تكون السندباء!!.
عرفت بالقرن السادس الهجري الخوخة كميناء تجاري بحري قديم، يعتمد عليه في استيراد وتصدير البضائع من وإلى اليمن.. قوارب «صنابيق وسواعي» أبناء الخوخة جابت موانئ شرق أفريقيا والخليج والهند.. جميل عندما تكون بشاطئ أبو زهر وتغرف بيديك غرفة واحدة مكان موجة بحرية عائدة تجد ماءً عذباً لذة للشاربين ويكثر فيها أشجار النخيل والدم.. وتزرع السمسم والقطن والخضروات وحديثاً «المانجو» ويزرع في بيوتها أشجار الرمان والتين رغم أنها منطقة حارة.
وتعتبر مديرية الخوخة مدينة سياحية من الدرجة الأولى يوجد فيها خمسة فنادق وقرى سياحية مثل «قري المخا السياحية – القرية السياحية بالخوخة «جمعان» قرية الياسمين – منتزه السندباد السياحي – المنتزه الشعبي وغيرها من المواقع السياحية، وتمتلك الخوخة شواطئ في غاية الروعة والجمال تصلح للسياحة والراحة والاستجمام، كما تمتلك مجموعة جزر خلابة قابلة للاستثمار السياحي وشواطئ مدينة الخوخة مكسوة برمال بيضاء ناعمة ذات أشكال هلالية تطوقها كثبان رملية بيضاء وتعلو من خلالها آكام متوسطة الارتفاع تلاصقها الهضاب وتتخللها مصبات الوديان فتزيدها جمالا وروعة، وتعد بحق من أجمل الشواطئ اليمنية، تظللها غابات النخيل وأشجار الدوم، ويكفي أن ينحسر الموج عن ساحلها بضعة أقدام، فتحفر بيديك في الرمل إلى عمق سنتيمترات لتحصل على المياه العذبة.. ويعد شاطئ أبو زهر من أهم شواطئها وأجملها.. سعت الهيئة العامة للتنمية السياحية لوضع خطة لتنمية المناطق والمواقع السياحية ووضع مخطط عام لكل منطقة وموقع للتنمية ليكون مشروعاً استثمارياً سياحياً رائداً وكانت الخوخة لها حظ من ذلك حيث تم اختيار مشروع الهندية «الخوخة» حيث يقع إلى الجنوب من الفازة ويبدأ من المتينة، رأس البقعة شمالا وحتى شاطئ الهندية جنوبا بطول 15 كم على الواجهة البحرية ويتميز بالرمال الناعمة البيضاء وتظلله أشجار النخيل ويعتبر مكانا رائعا لإقامة الاستراحات والمنشآت السياحية والفندقية ومراكز الغوص ويصلح كموقع متقدم للانطلاق إلى جزر أرخبيل زقر وحنيش.
ويعد مشروع مجمع أبو زهر السياحي الذي يقع شمال مدينة الخوخة متميزاً باعتباره يقع على شاطئ أبو زهير الذي تكسوه الرمال البيضاء الناعمة وتظلله غابات من أشجار النخيل والدوم ويعتبر منتجعاً سياحياً رائعاً لإقامة مجمع سياحي متكامل.
معالم وآثار تهدم!!
تمتلك الخوخة معالم تاريخية شامخة منها مسجد الإمام حسين بن سلامة بموشج – مسجد عبدالله دريب بموشج – قلعة القشلة وقلعة القاهرة والجمرك القديم – دار القعموص والغليسي وبهيدر والعميسي وغيرها كالجامع الكبير بالمدينة ومسجد أبو زهر وغيرها من المواقع التاريخية والأثرية التي تعرضت للهدم والتخريب وطالتها أيادي العبث واللامبالاة كمجامع حسين بن سلامة المسمى «جامع القبة» وقلعتي القاهرة والقشلة التي لم يبق منها سوى بعض أجزائها والأخرى هدمت.. ومدينة «الأوشج» المسمى «موشج» حاليا شاعرها ابن المزاح الشاعر الحميني ومن رواده الأوائل.. ولا ننسى مسجد «البختيار» أول مسجد بالخوخة.. مدينة الخوخة ذات تراث خاص ومن شعرائها الشعبيين الأوائل القدامى الذين لم يترجم لهم وما زالوا خالدين في الذاكرة الشعبية «زيد» و «فتاح» وأمدوبله» وعميره وغيرهم وهناك منطقة الشاعرية بالقطابا ذات النخل الواسع والساحل الجميل والتي كان يقام بها مهرجانات للشعر الشعبي قديما وهناك مهرجانات بالسحارى وابن محمود بموسم انتهاء التمور ويقام كرنفال رياضي وشبابي وفني وآخر بالحيمة ولكن توقفت تلك المهرجانات الموسمية لتغير البشر وموت الأوائل الذين كانوا يتبنون تلك المهرجانات ولا دور لوزارة الثقافة حتى الآن!! أسس مجموعة من الشباب المثقف منتدى ثقافياً أدبياً سياحياً ويرأسه أستاذي العزيز أبي الحسين الشاعر المبدع الوفي للأرض والمدينة إنه الإنسان الرائع رفعت حسن غليسي.. وقد وجه الأخ المحافظ بتعيين مدير للثقافة بالخوخة ولكن حتى اللحظة مازال قرار التعيين لم يخرج للنور من سكرتارية المحافظ ولم ينفذ التوجيه رغم ترشيح رئيس المجلس المحلي لذلك.. وتبقى المرأة الصامدة شاعرة المعاناة والشموخ «الداودية» توزع على وجهاء المدينة قصائدها سواء بسواء على المقيمين كالشيوخ والأعيان والوافدين والزائرين، فشعرها أبلغ وسيلة للتعبير عن معاناة الخوخة!!

Aman...Philadelphia City of Brotherly Love...

Tourism: Some call it the name "white city ".... It is the capital of Amman, Jordan since ancient times, which flourished in the days of the Greeks and Romans and took the name Philadelphia the "City of Brotherly Love," as it is a city of paradoxes, where the old meet and talk. It is one of the oldest cities built on the ruins of an ancient city known as the goddess of Ammon, Oman, and derived from the goddess of Ammon, and has taken the Ammonites their capital, which is one of the capitals of the Levant four, which is also one of the cities Shamiya old became the capital of the Emirate of Transjordan, and then the Kingdom Jordan after independence in 1946 from Britain. The predominance of white on the buildings of the city, called by some "white city" because most of the buildings and circuits established in white stone, polished and sometimes Almsemsm other times, which permeates some of the veins colored wonderful, and that there are buildings set of white marble, polished, and in the past was city buildings covering seven hills, like Rome, but now the buildings spread over 19 hill, after it narrowed its inhabitants Vartqgua slopes and continued widening across the peaks to spread the city over 20 mountain turf. Oman is located, which rises 750 meters above sea level and 918 meters high mountains in the center of the Kingdom of latitude 31 north and longitude 35 east in an area where the mountains. Oman is a point of attraction for many Arab communities for its position and architecture contemporary, attractive Oman lot of tourists every year from Western Europe and North America, Japan, Australia and the neighboring Arab countries nearby, and many of the families of the Arab Gulf states in particular, as the lush sights in general and medicinal, especially . One of the main areas frequented by visitors areas street culture and Abdon and street agencies and market Sweifieh market Rabia Street, Mecca and Medina Road, Medina Street, University of Jordan and market Mount Weibdeh and Rainbow Street Market and Jabal el-Hussein and a market or Uthaina, of course, central regions of the country, to contain these areas a number of restaurants and cafes, diverse oriental and western restaurants in addition to Jordan, in addition to the many Lebanese restaurants, Italian, French, Turkish, Chinese, Hindi, America, Iraq and Yemen. In Amman, at least 36 hotel category four and five stars, mostly established in West Amman, many of which follow a series of world class hotels such as Alintrcntinintal and the Four Seasons and Le Meridien and Grand life and the Radisson SAS and Alcheratunovindq Royal in Amman characterized Bamarth that appear in the skyline of the city like a fortress above the Jabal Amman.

Hawaii is a city without dust

In the Pacific comes the Hawaiian Islands a city without dust Taatmer clarity and purity of the atmosphere and green terrain is another U.S. state joined the Federation American and Honolulu is the capital and largest city, and Hawaii consists of 23 island of note is the only place where the coffee industry part of the industrial production in America. One of the main agricultural products are pineapple, banana and sugar cane and coconut. It is also notorious mountain peaks in the most famous volcanic summit "Maonallowa." The language used in Hawaii is the (English - Hawaii). And the Hawaiian Islands is simple and spontaneous, and even pornography in its disclosure of Mknunadtha. And tourism in Hawaii is somewhat expensive, the average spending per family of four individuals on the food and accommodation in just one day up to 650 U.S. dollars, not to mention fuel prices, which is the highest in the country. Yes, this is Hawaii! While contributing to the charming nature Ptkhalisk of all kinds of concerns, the restaurants and hotels contribute, without feeling, to rid your pockets of all the funds it holds. Valsandwec who paid the price in New York only three dollars, costing six dollars in the Hawaiian Islands, and some things costing up to more than doubled. Contain the Hawaiian Islands, which contains all the colors and forms of nature (beaches, volcanoes, waterfalls, mountains, green areas and the plains and valleys). The climate in Hawaii is a tropical island but it differs from region to region depending on the location and the topography and direction of wind, rain and falling most of the year with the intensity of rainfall in the months of November and April. And has many volcanoes and lava. Is the capital of all endangered species in the world, which is lower and the AT containing the white Americans, is known as its activities and various water activities are the most important air like jumping in the air, and is characterized by diverse culture

The Kashmir city magic of beauty...

The city of Kashmir, the magic of beauty and the beauty of nature and good people of adherents of the Islamic religion, a geographical region located between India and Pakistan and China in Northeast Asia. Historically, the region known as Kashmir as easy in the south of the Himalayas from the west. And occupied by China, Pakistan and India. An area of 242 000 km and a population of 15 million people, according to estimates in 2000 and the proportion of Muslims is about 1990%, due date of entry of Islam in the first century AH valuable time of Muhammad bin Qasim Thaqafi who entered Sindh and marched until he reached Kashmir, annexed by Akbar in 1587 to the State of the Islamic Mongols and income of the British in 1839. The United Nations decided in 1949 a free and impartial plebiscite to decide the fate of Kashmir, but India annexed the territory to them and rejected the referendum because it recognizes the desire of the population in the separation and Kashmir is the flashpoint of conflict, because it is divided between the 3 countries. The claims by both India and Pakistan, also claimed the region in full. Based on each set of historical and demographic facts to support their demands by virtue of the territory and annexed in full. While demanding a growing group of people full independence from both countries. There are many in Kashmir of seaside resorts on the lakes, valleys, and these resorts are characterized by comfort, beauty and strangeness and follow some of the spa services such as back games for children and appropriate price. That Kashmir for many a political point of emotional charge, but, regardless of politics, is a beautiful part of the world. It is difficult to write about Kashmir, Hindi, Pakistani Kashmir without provoking the feelings of others, even those who want Kashmir Standard. Described as its "Seringar" as the most important tourist destination, "Happy Valley", and "the valley of tears." Certainly, the Mughal emperor who built the gardens, "Shalimar" famous have enjoyed the atmosphere of this resort. In the early days of British occupation of India, they found the mountain climate appropriate to them after suffering from the summer of the plains Hindi, has created a tradition of craft, which is today one of the methods of the luxury of a famous lake "D". And the last fifteen years was particularly high tension for parents and the most tragic, especially for the people of Seringar a tourist stop-motion, the main source of income. The Aill tour operators and travel agents in New Delhi to tell the world during the last year and this year that "things have changed and people have returned once again travel to Kashmir." Now tourism is Seringar had improved and the surrounding areas, like Glmarg and Sunamarg This indicates that the determination of all parties to achieve their goals. In Kashmir are welcome by many who know exactly who I come from, and find tourists from Britain, Malaysia, Singapore and China. No one can deny that the Dal Lake and Nagn are areas of the break. And ride in a small boat to picnic on the lake for one day is a leap to another world. The movement of the boat, the warmth of the sun, and meeting with applicants comfort others, amazing diversity of birds in shallow water, all give one the memories over a lifetime. We go back to the world of Mughal emperors. And gardens are being refurbished, where I went, especially gardens "I grew up" and "Shalimar" famous, in piles of glory and promise for the future. Overlooking the resorts in the mountains and rivers "Glmarj" and "Sonamarg" and where the golf courses and ski resorts with a strong reputation. And is located "Valjam" at the entrance to the Straits of mountain where a lot of people start walking on a picnic even though it is not safe. It is also known for its unique features. When you look to the future, will open the doors of trade, linking local bonds and reunited families. These positive developments will increase when they are open, "Pakistani Kashmir" in front of tourists. And the results will be significant for the region and the global tourism market

The city of Kashmir, the magic of beauty and the beauty of nature and good people of adherents of the Islamic religion, a geographical region located between India and Pakistan and China in Northeast Asia. Historically, the region known as Kashmir as easy in the south of the Himalayas from the west. And occupied by China, Pakistan and India. An area of 242 000 km and a population of 15 million people, according to estimates in 2000 and the proportion of Muslims is about 1990%, due date of entry of Islam in the first century AH valuable time of Muhammad bin Qasim Thaqafi who entered Sindh and marched until he reached Kashmir, annexed by Akbar in 1587 to the State of the Islamic Mongols and income of the British in 1839. The United Nations decided in 1949 a free and impartial plebiscite to decide the fate of Kashmir, but India annexed the territory to them and rejected the referendum because it recognizes the desire of the population in the separation and Kashmir is the flashpoint of conflict, because it is divided between the 3 countries. The claims by both India and Pakistan, also claimed the region in full. Based on each set of historical and demographic facts to support their demands by virtue of the territory and annexed in full. While demanding a growing group of people full independence from both countries. There are many in Kashmir of seaside resorts on the lakes, valleys, and these resorts are characterized by comfort, beauty and strangeness and follow some of the spa services such as back games for children and appropriate price. That Kashmir for many a political point of emotional charge, but, regardless of politics, is a beautiful part of the world. It is difficult to write about Kashmir, Hindi, Pakistani Kashmir without provoking the feelings of others, even those who want Kashmir Standard. Described as its "Seringar" as the most important tourist destination, "Happy Valley", and "the valley of tears." Certainly, the Mughal emperor who built the gardens, "Shalimar" famous have enjoyed the atmosphere of this resort. In the early days of British occupation of India, they found the mountain climate appropriate to them after suffering from the summer of the plains Hindi, has created a tradition of craft, which is today one of the methods of the luxury of a famous lake "D". And the last fifteen years was particularly high tension for parents and the most tragic, especially for the people of Seringar a tourist stop-motion, the main source of income. The Aill tour operators and travel agents in New Delhi to tell the world during the last year and this year that "things have changed and people have returned once again travel to Kashmir." Now tourism is Seringar had improved and the surrounding areas, like Glmarg and Sunamarg This indicates that the determination of all parties to achieve their goals. In Kashmir are welcome by many who know exactly who I come from, and find tourists from Britain, Malaysia, Singapore and China. No one can deny that the Dal Lake and Nagn are areas of the break. And ride in a small boat to picnic on the lake for one day is a leap to another world. The movement of the boat, the warmth of the sun, and meeting with applicants comfort others, amazing diversity of birds in shallow water, all give one the memories over a lifetime. We go back to the world of Mughal emperors. And gardens are being refurbished, where I went, especially gardens "I grew up" and "Shalimar" famous, in piles of glory and promise for the future. Overlooking the resorts in the mountains and rivers "Glmarj" and "Sonamarg" and where the golf courses and ski resorts with a strong reputation. And is located "Valjam" at the entrance to the Straits of mountain where a lot of people start walking on a picnic even though it is not safe. It is also known for its unique features. When you look to the future, will open the doors of trade, linking local bonds and reunited families. These positive developments will increase when they are open, "Pakistani Kashmir" in front of tourists. And the results will be significant for the region and the global tourism market

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Aden tanks .. Masterpiece in Yemen

Hardly a visitor to the city of Aden senses greatness evoke this city of history, unless standing in front of building tanks, a Chi addition to being one of the most prominent techniques of water early in human history, the most important engineering feats of historical age-old, Mounap and grandeur and luxury bumper of urbanization old Yemeni. According to historical references the mention of Aden tanks (known as long-tanks) contained in many sources, the most important inscriptions predicate, and the book (circumambulation around the Sea of Eritrea) in the first century AD. Despite the different historical sources on the history of the establishment of cisterns of Aden, but some felt that the construction of several stages over the first was in the era Sabaeans in the first millennium BC. With restore some historical studies of the creation era tanks to Humairi (first century AD). The next I and Ibn Battuta tanks of Aden by name in the centuries XIII and XIV, when they have seen working regularly in the service of people and ships navigation. The world I'm Yemeni Aldepa (1461 - 1536 AD), saw that it was built in the early sixteenth century AD. He is said and by the nineteenth century, these tanks may Antmrt underground. But the British tanks in the rediscovered in 1930 has shown occupation of Aden, and re-restored. But restored by the British, as they say - not as sinks to divert water to reservoirs within the city, but Ksharrij to store water in long, and added to a huge tank that was not there before the truck knew Coughlan. Among the reports that the engineers intervened they built dams goal reservation stones and silt before it descends to the water, a task that was carried out by the banks themselves before they are converted to reservoirs. However, the objective in mind - according to the references - the establishment of the tanks is to collect rainwater for use on the one hand and disposed of as soon as possible to defend the city of Aden in cases of heavy rains and flash floods. The researchers estimated the number of tanks, long ancient in origin, about 50 tanks, mostly hidden underground or in shambles, and the total number of existing ones are now 18 tanks to accommodate up to 20 million gallons of water, and it was this capacity of 80 million gallons in times of completion of the tanks. Today is a tank of the most important tourist attractions in the governorate of Aden, which for expatriates, especially Arabs, part of their history .. For the family art collection, shows the greatness of the Yemeni people first. The work of rehabilitation and maintenance In past years has been the implementation of several operations for the maintenance, restoration and cleaning tanks and long rehabilitation teacher archaeological tourism is important, and revive its role as an establishment for the storage and disposal of water. The British company in the restoration work and maintenance, under the program of field work by experts from UNESCO and UNDP for the United Nations, as part of an international campaign aimed at the rehabilitation tanks to benefit from a functional and tourism. The General Authority to preserve the historic cities develop modern devices for measuring the air in order to monitor the accumulation of rain clouds and showers rates and quantities of water resulting from them, and then to prepare the tanks to operate, depending on the numbers and accurate information. As part of efforts to revitalize the role of tourism for Tanks Yemeni authorities have established a garden in the tanks, and established the Ministry of Culture of Yemen since 2003 Forum culturally active in behalf of Aden (Aden Cultural Forum tanks). The talk was before not too long about the preparation of a large annual cultural festival in Aden, on behalf of the tanks like similar festivals in the region. What efforts are directed towards the development of the museum based in the tanks to become a center of information and historical documents of the tanks and on Aden in general.

Kamaran Yemeni island, in which the Queen Elizabeth Honeymoon

The past was called by name (Kamran) for the emergence of a reflection of moonlight on the surface of sea Vichahd like Qumran, not a satellite and one that is now known (Kamran) ..Her status is historic, strategic location, which was occupied by the island to make Queen Elizabeth choose Kamaran to destroy them (the honeymoon) in the early fifties of the last century after being asked to spend their honeymoon in an island atmosphere of pure natural and to be a masterpiece natural unparalleled in the world, to find holders interested Kamaran island, which is described by the Queen to spend the most beautiful days of age

Island of Socotra in yemen...

Island of Socotra, Yemen in the Indian Ocean, a strange island in the world I personally see this island is believed that it was not on the planet, because trees and rocks alien in it that seem designed geometrically precise unique of its kind, has no precedent and peer anywhere in the world knowing that he does not have human intervention in their design and reaches the age of the trees and rocks more than 6 million a year. Diverse flora of more than 850 species of fig trees to amber to wild jujube and other types, including many rare shrubs need to be for centuries to grow and the flowers are wild bees fed. It is well known to all the desire to travel to this exotic island near Somalia to Yemen, which lies 350 km to the south of Yemen with a population of nearly 80 thousand people. Water and very wide resides in these waters some of the pirates, in the monsoon season, the wind blows strongly so that aircraft can land on its territory remains suspended in the atmosphere and descend by the passengers of the plane. When the season starts the wind in the Yemeni island of Socotra, everything changed in people's lives, and among the most important changes imposed by the dust-laden winds that during the tour around the island, rarely find a man, all men begin annual migration season begins the wind, heading to Hadramout, the nearest city to them, no one left but few narrow their case within the island is encircled by the wind for four months, the alienation of men who inherited the habit of their ancestors and are still keen on them. After four months be celebrations and getting songs to celebrate their return and clear the house of dust that enters it whenever you open the door, festooned with women beautiful what they have clothes to receive the spouses of migrants to the other side, where there are no winds volatile prevent even landing on the island's airport and delayed flights to Other than this season, which ends heavy rainfall. Traveling to this island is a journey and not all flights, The place is very beautiful, fish, food, sleeping on the beaches long and gives you a sense of quiet comfort and harmony and dive into the imagination. The trip to Socotra, cheap price and good. There Psoqtrp the most exclusive and most expensive honey in the world were discovered honey in this island by two Frenchmen, two men are aiming to save this production is threatened by looting, loss and the price per kilogram of 180 dollars. Socotra, honey, wild and enjoys a wide reputation in the Arab world as a whole and are attributed to a lot of

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gran Canaria Islands...

The island houses many fantastic beaches such as Playa Grande, Playa Las Gaviotas and Playa las Vistas - all of which have their own forms of entertainment whether you are looking to partake in some thrilling water sports or if you are simply looking to sit back, relax and enjoy some peace and quiet.

The beaches all provide eating facilities along the promenades which make them the perfect hang out spots and also make Tenerife one of the best places to visit whether you are a family of four, a couple or a gang of friends looking for the holiday of a lifetime. However, for many a holiday destination is chosen based on the culture which they can expect to be treated with.

Tenerife famously houses the amazing volcano Mount Teide, which is the third largest volcano in the world and the highest mountain in Spain - a sight not to be missed. The island is also home to a wide range of Spanish culture, much of which you can experience through some of the exquisite traditional restaurants which will provide you with some of the best Tapas you will ever taste.

The Canary Islands are renowned for providing fantastic tourist attractions and Tenerife is guaranteed not to disappoint. With the AquaPark, Teide National Park, Loro Parque and La Laguna to name but a few-there is plenty to entertain everyone of any age here. Finally there is the nightlife! Tenerife is perfect for all types of groups whether you are looking to dance the night away every night of your holiday or if you are looking for a family friendly holiday.

With masses of bars and restaurants, you can find cuisine from all over the world to suit any taste pubs and with many of the pubs providing food and family friendly entertainment, you are sure to enjoy every night on the island. For those looking to stay out until the early hours of the morning, you will find many bars which are open to the early hours of the morning, providing a wide range of music. With nightclubs such as Tramps and Veronicas providing some of the best music in Europe at the moment, you are sure to return home each night with a smile on your face.

Gran Canaria has a slightly warmer climate, providing highs of around 35C during its hottest season in July and August and with highs of around 25C during the winter months, it makes the island one of the best locations for a winter holiday as well as a summer holiday.

Similar to Tenerife, Gran Canaria houses some gorgeous beaches such as Playa de Puerto Rico, Playa de los Amadores and Playa del Inglés-which is known as being one of the most famous beaches in Europe. You can find a wide range of entertainment near the beaches from water sports, golf courses and various other amusements as well as masses of coffee shops and eateries-perfect for a bite to eat or a chance to cool off from the sweltering heat!

When it comes to escaping the heat, Las Palmas houses some fantastic galleries, museums and musical arenas, providing you with an eclectic mix of entertainment throughout your holiday, as well as some fantastic designer stores-perfect for those die hard shopping fans. The island also has many tourist attractions which you would expect from a Canary Island such as the Aqua Park, Parque de los Cocodrilo Crocodile Park and two casinos for those who fancy taking their chance with lady luck.

The island is home to some of the best cuisine in Europe, which a wide variety of restaurants providing traditional Spanish recipes with an Latin American and African influence, as well as Italian, Indian and Chinese meals. When it comes to the nightlife however, Gran Canaria provides a more vibrant party scene than Tenerife, mainly thanks to its buzzing gay nightlife. The Yumbo centre in Playa de Ingles is one of the most popular spots on the island with the party often not starting until midnight and lasting until last man standing.

Here, you will enjoy a wide range of Euro-pop and current music to dance away to and with a fantastic atmosphere, you are sure to have a brilliant night. On the island you will also find a wide range of pubs and bars for those looking for a more quiet evening, all of which provide a variety of music from live bands to jazz to chill out zones which are open well into the early hours of the morning. For this reason, the island is perhaps more suited to young groups or those who feel a lot younger than they are!

Majorca’s Beaches the wender full...

1. Playa de Palma

The Playa de Palma is one of the most popular beaches in Majorca; Palma is actually the Island’s capital and is host to a variety of opportunities for a great time. The beach itself may be small, but it’s a very popular spot for most tourists, whether staying in Palma or not.

There’s a host of restaurants available, as well as hotels and discos all ready to serve you when you finally decide to withdraw from the sun. If you’re looking for somewhere that offers up dancing and fun, try Tito’s for the best disco in the Playa de Palma!

2. Sa Calobra

Sa Calobra is a lush little beach with an beautiful history, it was formed by water as it travelled through the Torrent de Pareis canyon gorge. It makes for a unique little foot tour that will take you through the gorge itself, finishing at the beach, allowing you to take in the journey that was once made to form this secluded little beach.

The Torrent de Pareis and Sa Calobra are two of the most popular natural wonders within Majorca, so definitely worth a visit.

3. Alcudia Beach

If you have young children that are not quite swimming yet, the Alcudia Beach is perfect for your needs, it’s a wonderfully serene beach located in the northerly regions of the island. Home to beautiful white sand, it’s perfect for younger children, and children who don’t swim because it’s peaceful and calm.

4. Palma Nova

One of the busiest beaches in Majorca has to be the Palma Nova. Located just west of Palma and couple with the bustling resort of Magalluf, the Palma Nova offers up a promenade along the beach, as well as many popular fast food chains if you’re craving a little taste of home after a night out!

But as well as this, there are also a wide variety of restaurants here, ranging form traditional to very modern styles of cooking, to Italian, Mexican, French, Italian, Chinese and even British food to cater to every taste bud, ensuring you won’t go holiday during your vacation, and also allowing you to experiment and try some traditional local cuisine.

5. Calla D’or

If you’re a budding explorer, then the Calla D’or would have to be the beach for you. This gorgeous beach resort is actually comprised of 8 small coves that each provide beautiful and unique beaches for you to enjoy. This beach is also perfect for families, as the centre of the beach is ruled by pedestrians and is not accessible directly by auto transport. The resort itself is also perfect for a wide variety of budgets, as the price range from economy all the way up to 1st class!

Majorca’s Beaches .....

1. Playa de Palma

The Playa de Palma is one of the most popular beaches in Majorca; Palma is actually the Island’s capital and is host to a variety of opportunities for a great time. The beach itself may be small, but it’s a very popular spot for most tourists, whether staying in Palma or not.

There’s a host of restaurants available, as well as hotels and discos all ready to serve you when you finally decide to withdraw from the sun. If you’re looking for somewhere that offers up dancing and fun, try Tito’s for the best disco in the Playa de Palma!

2. Sa Calobra

Sa Calobra is a lush little beach with an beautiful history, it was formed by water as it travelled through the Torrent de Pareis canyon gorge. It makes for a unique little foot tour that will take you through the gorge itself, finishing at the beach, allowing you to take in the journey that was once made to form this secluded little beach.

The Torrent de Pareis and Sa Calobra are two of the most popular natural wonders within Majorca, so definitely worth a visit.

3. Alcudia Beach

If you have young children that are not quite swimming yet, the Alcudia Beach is perfect for your needs, it’s a wonderfully serene beach located in the northerly regions of the island. Home to beautiful white sand, it’s perfect for younger children, and children who don’t swim because it’s peaceful and calm.

4. Palma Nova

One of the busiest beaches in Majorca has to be the Palma Nova. Located just west of Palma and couple with the bustling resort of Magalluf, the Palma Nova offers up a promenade along the beach, as well as many popular fast food chains if you’re craving a little taste of home after a night out!

But as well as this, there are also a wide variety of restaurants here, ranging form traditional to very modern styles of cooking, to Italian, Mexican, French, Italian, Chinese and even British food to cater to every taste bud, ensuring you won’t go holiday during your vacation, and also allowing you to experiment and try some traditional local cuisine.

5. Calla D’or

If you’re a budding explorer, then the Calla D’or would have to be the beach for you. This gorgeous beach resort is actually comprised of 8 small coves that each provide beautiful and unique beaches for you to enjoy. This beach is also perfect for families, as the centre of the beach is ruled by pedestrians and is not accessible directly by auto transport. The resort itself is also perfect for a wide variety of budgets, as the price range from economy all the way up to 1st class!

Atripe to Japan....

On my trip to Japan it started as soon as we got out of the underground station. We had no idea what direction we should walk to in order to get to our hotel. Left, right, north, south, it all looked the same to us. A map wasn’t of much use either as we couldn’t decipher the names on the street signs or on the map itself. Luckily after we had been roaming around aimlessly for hours, we found a nice couple who spoke a little bit of English and they walked us to the place we were staying.

Ordering food wasn’t easy either. Although most Japanese restaurants have plastic versions of all the dishes they serve on display in the window, it’s still quite difficult to order the real versions once you’re inside the restaurant. It might look good in plastic, but you still don’t know what substance you will end up with on your plate. It could very well be the back side of some animal that we keep as pets here in the UK. At the restaurant we picked out on our first night in Tokyo, punters were supposed to place their order at a machine with numerous buttons next to which the names of the dishes were written out on stickers. In Kanji of course. The nice lady standing behind us in the queue offered to help us out, but she couldn’t speak anything else but Japanese. After we gave our best animal impressions we finally figured out which button was for the chicken and we put in our order. The Japanese chicken curry was very tasty, even though I thought it tasted a lot like beef

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Traveling to Eygbt

Considered tourism a major source of national income in Egypt, and the Egyptian people used to the presence of tourists in their midst since ancient times. Featuring Egypt abundance of tourist attractions of all kinds, because of the abundance of temples and Alotharohnak also Algaripalfronip that have a lot of sayings Pharaonic which was to take care of and investment in tourist attraction, is also available tourist infrastructure, which includes five-star hotels, tourist villages and tourist agencies and offices of aviation, is a tourist congestion in general in Cairo, Alexandria and Red Sea Governorate, Hurghada, Sinai, particularly South Sinai Sharm El Sheikh, Dahab and Nuweiba, where sports sport diving, which attracts tourists from all over the world, particularly from Germany and Italy fan of this type of sports, as Egypt to feature Alalcaab reefs rare in the Red Sea and types of fish for which they held festivals and competitions fishing yacht, which comes to fishing enthusiasts of Egyptians and foreigners.

* Egypt is the most prominent tourist country in the world where the number of tourists visiting Egypt more than 9.79 million tourists in 2007. Egypt is ranked 58 worldwide among 124 countries in the tourism competitiveness index